
Because we will have multiple locations, it will be important to address them correctly so they don’t need to move again.  The central receiving is close to downtown and has a pretty big warehouse, so if your stuff is going to a downtown site (e.g. CTC, or the house), you should probably address it to “downtown” and they will hold that equipment at Central for us to pick up.  If your equipment needs to come up to UAF campus for use in a wet laboratory, you will want to specify where it goes on campus. Please work with Bill or Jingqiu to refine on-campus addresses.


        UAF Central Receiving
        Jane Doe – ALPACA downtown
(or John Doe ALPACA GI )
        1855 Marika Road
        Fairbanks, AK 99709

Shipping dates:

 The last day to receive cargo before the holiday closure is Wednesday Dec. 22, 2021.

The first day available to receive cargo upon reopening is Monday January 3, 2022.