Side meeting at AGU Fall meeting

We held an open meeting to discuss wintertime urban pollution under dark conditions on 15 December 2017 during the 2017 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. Thirty (30) researchers attended the meeting and expressed their interest in studying this problem. Participants in the meeting came from academic institutions and research agencies such as EPA and NOAA. This lunchtime meeting was during a day-long AGU special session on wintertime air pollution that included three oral and one poster sessions. That session described findings from intensive studies from the Eastern US (the airborne WINTER 2015 campaign) and Salt Lake City, Utah, US (the UWFPS 2017 campaign). This background gave us a chance to compare and contrast findings from Fairbanks, Alaska, to these recent intensive field campaigns. That comparison shows that wintertime temperature inversion layers that trap local pollution are common theme to all these air quality problems. However, the chemical composition of particulate pollution in Salt Lake City is completely different from the composition in Fairbanks, indicating differences in sources and chemical transformation processes. This difference points to the need to study the low-photochemical limit of air pollution chemistry in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of these pollution problems and therefore to be able to design location-appropriate pollution remediation strategies. Public outreach and coupled health studies were also proposed for these studies. The next planned step in studying this problem is to hold a workshop during May 2018 to discuss unresolved questions and plan a future measurement campaign to answer these questions.